PLEASE NOTE: Depending on your Internet connection speed file upload time
can and will vary. (Max Size: 500 megs)

Please fill out the form completely as all fields are required.
Include specific information in the comments field about your job.

Note: Please STUFF or ZIP your files if possible before uploading them.
Contact us if you experience any problems while using this system.
Tel: (519) 376-6000 or Email Us

Upload your files here.
Please enter the following information (all fields required):
Human test: type the numbers in the box:
human test image
Upload in progress; please wait.  Do not close this window.
? KB/s
Connecting; please wait.
? %
Total 1 ? ??:??:??
Completed 0 0 00:00:00
Remaining 1 ? ??:??:??